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All About Homeschooling: Homeschooled kids are smarter than you think!

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Homeschooling is a very hot topic these days. More and more families are choosing to homeschool their children, but many people still don’t know what it entails or why it’s so popular. In order to be successful when homeschooling your child, you need to be creative and have a lot of patience. Homeschooling will not work for every child, but if your child is struggling in school or needs more personal attention than traditional schools offer then homeschooling may be the right answer!

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the history of homeschooling, homeschooling benefits for all types of learners and parents, and what you need to do in order to successfully homeschool your child.

What is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling has been rising in popularity for decades because it can be a more personalized and less costly alternative to public or private schools. For some families, this is their only option as they do not have the resources to enroll children into an institution that may cost thousands of dollars per year.

Homeschooling provides parents with flexibility and control over what their child learns each day so that they are able to tailor lessons specifically designed for them based on educational needs rather than following a set curriculum like many institutions use. It also gives students time outside during the week when most school-aged kids would just sit inside all day long at home waiting around until Friday night comes where mom might finally get off work from her job she’s working at two jobs.

Many families are turning to homeschooling as a way of ensuring their children get the education they deserve. With all these benefits and options for customized learning, it’s no wonder that homeschooling is on the rise!

Many parents are taking matters into their own hands when it comes to educating themselves or their kids at home with less formalized methods than in school. Some common reasons include wanting more individual attention from teachers so that there can be better communication between teacher and student, having more time available during days off, which allow students’ interests to become fulfilled through specialized instruction outside of typical curricula (hobbies), being able to make sure that top-quality academic help will always be accessible both inside and outside your neighbourhood.

Homeschooling – A Major Change in Lifestyle?

If you’re considering homeschooling your child, or have already begun the process, it’s important to keep in mind that this is not just about teaching and learning. It means taking on another role as a teacher-administrator of sorts! You’ll need to be sure to set up lessons for your student; organize field trips with other parents who are also homeschooling their children so they can learn from one another; coordinate activities among yourself and fellow parents; make sure you comply with state laws (and local ones if applicable) governing home education requirements–not an easy job when these responsibilities get piled upon what was once our normal duties as mothers/fathers.

You would think that homeschooling and your family are conflicting factors. However, with careful budgeting and time management skills, you can teach your kids while providing them a safe environment for them to grow up.
To be successful at homeschooling, one must possess the ability to plan ahead in order not only to provide their children with an education but also to make sure they have everything else that is necessary, such as food on the table. Though there are many ways for parents to secure time for themselves, it is important to recognize that they will spend more time with their children than they do currently. Homeschooling requires a significant amount of attention in order to keep up the child’s education as well as stay abreast of all new curriculums and teaching methods. This can be difficult if you work outside your home or have family commitments such as caring for aging relatives who need constant care.

Another major factor influencing whether someone opts out homeschooling is how much free-time one has available while working from home full-time (or close). It takes considerable effort and planning just getting through days without running behind!

Now, we must find out a little about the background of homeschooling.

History of Homeschooling:

As the 1970s went on, schools became less and less of an option for children in America. Homeschooling was seen as a deviant practice by many but soon enough it would become accepted among alternative schooling options available to families looking for other educational opportunities. It started off as a way for parents to teach their kids at home because they wanted something different from what traditional schooling might offer, and now there are many reasons why people choose this option!

Homeschooling was once an unorthodox pursuit, but as of late the movement has become more accepted. Once a bastion for religious families and fringe groups, homeschoolers have now found mainstream success in education-based endeavors such as sports or theater. Homeschooled students are even eligible to compete on high school teams alongside their classmates!

People started to realize homeschooling is a more flexible way to teach your children. The education can be highly structured, or it may just involve personalized learning methods with less formal teaching styles like unschooling which provides no lessons and curriculum. Some families start out going through the deschool phase before making the transition from school to homeschool in order to break away from their old habits and prepare for more creative forms of studying at home.

Homeschool Education – Which Curriculum to Choose?

There are so many options for parents who would like to teach their children at home. They can choose a curriculum similar or not-similar to that of schools, but also take into consideration the amount and type of time they have with their child as well as what interests them both individually and together.

Parents often question how best to educate themselves when teaching kids at home – there’s no one perfect way! Homeschooling is different from school in some ways: usually it isn’t mandatory, students don’t move up automatically through grades if they’re doing well enough (though this varies by state), you don’t need high SAT scores in the future because homeschoolers may go on college tours instead of just taking entrance exams.

What do you think are they smarter than other students?

They’re smarter in so many ways since their curriculum is flexible and customized to address their interests and work on improving their developing skills, as opposed to a classroom filled with students who are being taught the same subject without considering each of their strengths and weaknesses and what level they are in their gross motor, fine motor, and other skills.

Homeschooled students are also taught basic real-life skills that can’t be taught in a classroom because of safety reasons or lack of resources, such as preparing and cooking food, grocery shopping, taking care of pets, and more.

What are the major benefits of homeschooling?

One benefit is the one-on-one focus and attention you can give to the child. You can immediately tell their interest level on the subject and take advantage of it. You can also address subjects that they’re having a hard time with.

Two, in relation to subjects that a kid might find difficult to understand, you can easily change how you want to teach them. Or you can also choose to skip it first then go back to it again once they’re more developmentally ready for it.

Three, homeschooling has much more flexible and relaxed timing. You don’t need to wake up your kids too early to travel and go to school, and there’s no panic about being late for the bus. If your child forgets a book or some school supplies, you can just easily take it from another room and so on.

Four, lack of peer pressure. There’s no trying to keep up with the latest and cutest bags and school supplies from other kids. There’s no judgment about their clothes or hygiene, and you can decide whether to celebrate certain occasions and make it into a big deal compared to being pressured to join parenting clubs in school.

Julie Ann Owner of Adaptable Mama

Homeschooling Teacher – Can Someone Else Teach My Child?

Want to be a homeschooling parent without the work? There are many reasons to homeschool your children, but sometimes it can be hard or not seem possible. If you’re looking for a way out of this situation there is hope!  One option is hiring someone else. Laws vary depending on where you live, but many parents outsource parts of their kids’ homeschooling since they take classes and participate in co-ops with tutors or mentors.

As a veteran homeschool mom, I’ve seen many amazing benefits of homeschooling over the years:

First, for any families who need to move or relocate regularly, homeschooling is a fantastic option. Moving schools can be really difficult for kids academically and emotionally, but homeschool helps kids to feel a sense of normalcy when everything else may have changed.

Secondly, homeschooling is really efficient. Because we don’t have to wait on an entire classroom of kids to quiet down, line up, pack backpacks, have bathroom breaks, and more, we are able to compress our school day into about four hours a day. We cover all of the main subjects (math, language arts, science, and history), plus we have time for additional subjects such as logic, geography, languages, growth mindset, art and art history, and literature.

Additionally, homeschooling can help kids to have more time in their day for extracurricular activities. Due to a more flexible schedule, my kids have their piano and voice lessons during the early afternoon when other kids are in school. My sons took a homeschool parkour class during public school hours, and my daughter is involved in sewing lessons so she can start her own home business selling handmade hair bows and bags.

Another benefit of homeschooling is being able to choose a curriculum that fits best with your children and their learning styles. If your child is an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner, you can find a homeschool curriculum that will meet their individual needs. Often public school teachers do not have the time or the resources to cater academic teaching to the individual needs of each student in the classroom.

Finally, being able to teach my kids one-on-one has helped me to quickly identify when they are struggling to grasp a certain topic. I can spend as much time as needed to help them master a specific concept, without dealing with the distractions or learning pace of an entire public school classroom. On the flip side, if homeschool kids are doing very well with specific subjects, they are able to accelerate through their curriculum without having to wait for the kids in the public school classroom to learn the same material. This is why homeschool kids are often seen as having a learning advantage over their public schooled peers.

Jen Bradley Owner of Reluctant HomeSchool Mama

15 Benefits of Homeschooling

There are many advantages of homeschooling your children. For one, it has been noted that homeschooled students score higher on standardized tests than their public school counterparts. This is because the curriculum for a homeschooler is typically more challenging and rigorous than what you would find in an average classroom setting.

  1. Homeschooling is also much less expensive than sending your child to a public elementary school, but gets more costly as they move through higher grades and high school. In fact, some families can save as much as 75% or more on education costs by homeschooling their children.
  2. According to researchers, homeschoolers typically score better on standardized tests than their public school counterparts. This is because the curriculum for a homeschooler is typically more challenging and rigorous than what you would find in an average classroom setting.
  3. A public school system is not always able to accommodate homeschoolers as needs arise; if a homeschooler has an illness, injury, or disability that stops him from going outside the house, then he cannot attend his classes at all until he’s well again. This limitation isn’t something you’ll find in a typical home education setting because there are ways to work around the problem.
  4. Homeschoolers also have more flexibility with their day, and they can take time to work on particular subjects that interest them or give them trouble without having to wait for the next lesson in a set schedule.
  5. Homeschooling can also help a child learn to respect other people’s feelings and different viewpoints because he’ll be exposed to many of them through the variety of subjects that are covered in homeschool curriculums.
  6. The flexibility offered by home education gives children opportunities for hands-on learning such as cooking or building something with their own two hands. These moments provide benefits that will stay with them long after they’re done homeschooling.
  7. Teaching your kids at home means you’ll always know what they’re up to and who is influencing them – an important consideration if there has been abuse, neglect, addiction or trouble in school which often leads parents back into the public school system out of desperation when things go wrong outside the home.
  8. Homeschooling allows the child to study at his own pace, so someone who has trouble keeping up with a fast-paced class can be made to feel competent and capable by doing homeschool work independently.
  9. There are no tests or report cards in homeschool programs – there is only feedback from teachers on how well your son or daughter is progressing as he prepares for higher education which will go into a personal portfolio of their achievements.
  10. A homeschool curriculum also eliminates some of the most challenging aspects of public schools such as having too many kids crammed together in classrooms, bullies, cliques and other social challenges, and the perceived lack of individual attention.
  11. Homeschooling offers a more intimate environment for children to learn about themselves with fewer outside distractions.
  12. Parents who homeschool their kids say they are often able to be much more involved in their child’s life since there is nothing stopping them from being at home all day!
  13. While some people are concerned about peer pressure, many parents also want to avoid the chance of their child being exposed to drugs or alcohol. This is a major concern for any parent who wants to keep their children away from these substances and makes homeschooling seem like an even more attractive option in comparison.
  14. You might think that attending school is the only way to achieve success in life, but there are many other ways of succeeding. Homeschooling has been correlated with higher grades and a more well-adjusted adulthood than those who attended public or private schools when they were children. You can better focus on your academic pursuits if you’re not worried about socializing or fitting into an environment where everyone else seems smarter than you because once upon a time, too!
  15. Homeschoolers have statistically shown greater rates of college acceptance and post-college graduation within two years after high school compared to their peers at traditional schooling institutions which means less tuition for them next semester while also receiving richer opportunities outside their classrooms like mentoring from professors as opposed to one tutor.
  16. The last top reason that parents in this study chose homeschooling was wanting a safer environment for their children. Today, with school shootings and other forms of violence steadily increasing, it is no surprise that many are opting to take the route of homeschooling just so they can keep their kids safe from all sorts of potential dangers.


Homeschooling allows children to learn at their own pace. In order to make homeschooling successful, parents must be patient and always encourage learning new things. It won’t work on everyone, though, as some kids just can’t handle it, so this should only really happen when someone’s unhappy with public schooling or struggles with academics in general.

They’ll be with you all day long – whether it’s a cooking lesson or a chemistry experiment – and every night when they’re tucked into bed dreaming of tomorrow’s field trip!

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Austin has 10+ years of experience in teaching. He has researched on thousands of students-related topics, issues, and concerns. You will often find him writing about the common concerns of students, their nutrition, and what is beneficial for their academics and health both.