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The World’s Hardest Languages To Learn: Which Are You Most Challenged By?

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Learning a new language is an intimidating task. It’s essentially challenging your mind, but here are some ways to make it easier. There are also things you can do that would make the process more difficult! If you’re aiming for French or Spanish in particular, there’ll be plenty of learning involved with vocabulary and grammar; however, this challenge will just have its own set of difficulties as opposed to other languages which may not need any memorization whatsoever – like English.

In this post we are going to discover what are the top 10 hardest languages to learn.

1. Japanese

The Japanese language is one of the most difficult languages to learn because you have to master thousands of characters before being able to write in it. There are three different writing systems which all use their own alphabet: hiragana, katakana and kanji. On a brighter note, however, speaking Japanese isn’t as hard as Mandarin since every word has only five letters at maximum!

2. Korean

At first glance, Korean may seem like any other language in the world. But upon closer inspection of its unique word order and grammar systems, it is clear that this ancient tongue has been around for centuries untouched by Western influences such as Latin or English. It takes a lot of time and dedication to learn Korean. There are so many grammatical features that make it difficult for even natives, such as the complicated sentence endings which require you memorize when to use particles like 여기서 or 말다.

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3. Mandarin

Mandarin is a language within the Chinese language group and actually has one of the largest speaking populations in all of Asia. Unfortunately for English speakers, mastering Mandarin can be difficult because it’s also tonal which means that there are four pronunciations to every sound on its phonetic transcription system pinyin – making it hard not only to learn but do so rapidly as well with such limited time available! Thankfully though, over history many idioms have been picked up by natives (and thankfully too) meaning that while you might still struggle at first with knowing what they’re saying or understanding their meanings sometimes; after a while when learning this beautiful new vocabulary your ear will become more attuned.

4. Arabic

One of the most complex languages to learn is the Arabic language. It is difficult for many reasons. Firstly, there are 4 different forms of most letters depending on where they’re placed in a word. On top of this, vowels aren’t included when writing, so the translation is more challenging than it may be with other languages because an accurate pronunciation can’t always be deduced from the written words alone and dialects also mean that what’s spoken in Egypt isn’t going to match up exactly to Saudi Arabia either!

5. Hungarian

The Hungarian language is so difficult to learn that it may take a lifetime for you to master the intricacies of its grammar, which are unlike any other European languages. The most frustrating aspect about studying this unique tongue can be seen in how much cultural subtlety goes into each word and sentence structure – while not always apparent at first glance, these nuances have an enormous impact on your daily interactions with Hungarians! For example: “Gólya ének” would translate as “The rooster sings” if translated literally from English but actually means “chicken crows” due to their use of possession suffixes instead of word order.

6. Finnish

The language of Finish, like other languages in the world, has many variations. In addition to different forms of Finnish that are used today and throughout history there is much more you will have to learn before understanding this beautiful language!

The complexity level for constructing phrases can be downright puzzling with all these grammar rules. Prepare yourself by brushing up on your vocabulary beforehand, so you don’t get lost in translation as soon as it starts getting tricky!

7. Icelandic

Icelandic is a pretty difficult language to learn, but it’s nowhere near as hard as some other languages on this list. However, the fact that there are less than 400 thousand people who speak Icelandic and Iceland was settled in the ninth or tenth centuries means that it also has become very idiosyncratic throughout time. Basically, you really need to be there in order for someone else to teach you well enough about what they’re trying to say with these new words instead of always using English ones!

8. Polish

Polish is an Eastern European language spoken by about 38 million people worldwide. One of the key features that distinguishes Polish from other languages, like English or Spanish, are its 7 cases! And while it uses a different alphabet than most Western Europeans use (the Latin script), you’ll be happy to know that this means there’s less work for your tongue and mouth muscles when pronouncing each letter because they’re also in order of sound frequency – so vowels come before consonants do.

9. Greek

The alphabet, grammar rules, and pronunciation make learning Greek a challenging endeavor. Most people are too daunted by these features to even try!

The entire sentence is really just one long paragraph that talks about the difficulties of trying to learn how to speak or write in any language other than English for an American native speaker due not only from the lack of familiarity with words but also with letters specifically as most don’t have equivalents which can be confusing at first glance.

10. Turkish

Last but not the least on the list is Turkish language. Yet another complex language on this planet Earth. Turkish is a very different language than English. It uses an agglutinative form, which means that the words get more complex as they are spoken and added onto to make new ones without changing any of them at all. This might be difficult for those who speak Japanese or Korean because these languages also use this type of speech pattern but if you can understand Finnish it will not seem so foreign after understanding how Turkish works!

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Austin has 10+ years of experience in teaching. He has researched on thousands of students-related topics, issues, and concerns. You will often find him writing about the common concerns of students, their nutrition, and what is beneficial for their academics and health both.